Leveling the Playing Field

Taking on Goliaths

Free Case Evaluation
Contingent Fee Business Litigation Law Practice
Individuals, and small to medium sized companies, often do not have the resources to hire sophisticated legal counsel by the hour to pursue claims against big companies and wealthy individuals. As a result, rich defendants may get away with bad — and sometimes dangerous — conduct. But the Calabro Law Office helps level the playing field by providing sophisticated legal representation on a contingency fee basis — you pay attorneys fees only if you recover. Since graduating from Stanford Law School in 2005, Toji Calabro has been taking on some of the largest companies and wealthiest individuals in the country. He has a proven track record of winning significant results on behalf of individuals and businesses at all stages of litigation. If you have a dispute, contact the Calabro Law Office for a free case evaluation.
* Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits. Some clients on a contingency fee may be responsible for certain costs and expenses.
Toji Calabro brings a broad spectrum of business litigation experience to your case, with creative approaches to help you resolve your dispute efficiently and successfully.
Practice Areas
Mr. Calabro practices primarily in California and Missouri, but has represented clients in courtrooms throughout the country.